How to Submit Multiple Business Ratings

Step 1: Sign In to

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Step 2: Click on 'Rate a Business' to fill out our survey or click here.

Logo with the word ‘CHECKBOOK’ in bold blue letters. Next to the logo are two clickable buttons: ‘Donate’ in red text and ‘Rake a Business Inquiry’ inside a red outlined rectangle. Click ‘Rate a Business.’

Step 3: Check mark the Service Category you want to rate (Listed in alphabetical order).

A screenshot of a survey webpage with the heading ‘Survey’ in bold letters. Below the heading, there is an instruction that reads, ‘Please select the service categories you would like to rate based on your experiences in the past year. The survey includes a list of service categories with checkboxes next to each category. There are scroll indicators suggesting more options are available beyond what is displayed.

Click to expand image.

Step 4: Scroll all the way down the bottom of the page and click 'Start Survey.'

There is a gray button labeled ‘Start Survey.’

Click to expand image.

Step 5: In the Survey — Services you can search for the business you're interested in rating.

To search, you have two options:

    1. In the 'Search Service Provider' box, enter the service provider.
    2. Or search for the business by alphabetical order.

The image shows a webpage for a survey about appliance repair services. At the top, there is a heading that reads ‘Survey - Appliance Repair Services.’ Below this, there is a prompt instructing users to select the service provider they wish to rate. An orange button labeled ‘CAN’T FIND IT?’ is prominently displayed, followed by a search bar with the placeholder text ‘Search Service Provider.’ Below the search bar, there are alphabetical quick links from A to W, likely for filtering service providers by their starting letter.

Click to expand image.

If the business isn't listed, click the "Can't Find It?" box and follow these instructions: Business Ratings - Business Not Listed?

Step 6: Answer the survey questions and enter your detailed comments.

The image shows a customer feedback form asking users to rate a service provider’s performance on two questions. The questions offer four rating options: INFERIOR, ADEQUATE, SUPERIOR, and CAN’T RATE. This form is designed to assess customer satisfaction and service quality.

Click to expand image.

Step 7: Click 'Submit'. This option to will only be clickable after all sections have been completed.

The image shows a feedback submission interface. At the top, there are two options: a green ‘RECOMMENDED’ button with a thumbs-up icon and a red ‘NOT RECOMMENDED’ button with a thumbs-down icon. Below these options is a text box labeled ‘Comment’ for users to provide their feedback. At the bottom, there are two buttons: ‘BACK’ on the left and ‘SUBMIT’ on the right, with the ‘SUBMIT’ button outlined in red to indicate it is highlighted.

Click to expand image.

Step 8: Click 'Finish Survey.'

Select ‘Finish Survey,’ with the option highlighted in red, suggesting it is currently selected or recommended.

Click to expand image.

Survey has been completed!

Assistance Required? If you require further assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out to our support team through the ‘Contact Us’ option.

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